Do Nothing Media is intended to be a social entrepreneurial venture. That is, Do Nothing Media is intended to benefit humanity while earning a profit.
By publishing ideas that have the potential to be helpful to humans while earning a profit is how Do Nothing Media is currently engaging in social entrepreneurship.
Do Nothing Media is not currently an official B corporation (benefit corporation), but in the future will likely seek this official social entrepreneurial certification.
Do Nothing Media may expand beyond media in the future. However, currently, Do Nothing Media mainly engages in publishing various sorts of media. Do Nothing Media may change its name to something more general in the future because Do Nothing Media may expand beyond media in the future. However, everything is a sort of media, in certain ways.
In the future, Do Nothing Media will also donate a significant percentage of profits to not for profit organizations. The sorts of not for profit organizations that Do Nothing Media will donate money to are ones that are trying to end human rights abuses and extend the healthy human life span. Other sorts of organizations will be considered too!
Start a business so you can earn money and help others. Do you really want to be an employee? If the deal that you are receiving as an employee is awesome enough, then keep being an employee. However, if you feel your employer might be able to treat you better, then either unionize, negotiate better working conditions, start a business or find another employer! You deserve to experience happiness! As long as you respect the human and civil rights of others, then you deserve to be treated with dignity, respect and kindness!
Do Nothing Media is always looking for new business opportunities. Please do not hesitate to make contact if you have a mutually beneficial idea to propose.
If you have an idea that can mutually benefit Do Nothing Media and yourself or your organization then please do be in touch!