
Monday, November 14, 2016

Radical Life Extension

Have you read Radical Life Extension? I hope that you do.

Defeating aging is both feasible and desirable.

There are so many reasons why defeating aging is feasible and desirable.

Aging ends about 100,000 lives each day! Aging kills about 36,500,000 humans each year.

Nothing is more tragic than aging.

Help those that you know to overcome pro-aging mindsets.

If you can hasten the defeat of aging by just one day, then you can save 100,000 lives.

Support SENS research.

Steve Aoki is holding a fundraiser for SENS Research Foundation, Buck Institute on Aging and at least one more longevity related organization.

Tell journalists and politicians that you want to see aging defeated.

Hopefully Peter Thiel will influence Donald Trump so that we can put more energy into defeating aging a national level.

Nothing is more tragic than human aging. Nothing causes more death.

Request to journalists that they cover radical life extension and longevity related topics more.

We can use social media to help hasten the defeat of aging.

Thanks for reading this. I will post more updates soon! Cheers!